Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Ekko Home at Last!

Last night we brought Ekko home from Suburban Animal Hospital. I was not sure whether he would recognize home, but as soon as I lifted him out of the car he started walking up the sidewalk to our house. He seemed relieved to be in the house.

This first night, Ekko looked worn and tired. He has 12 snitches in his left leg and has lost a lot of weight. I can see his ribs. So he is limping and needs a lot of help climbing the stairs.

He is managing well with his large dog cone collar, only bumping into a few things (keeps him from licking his stitches). Despite all that, he ate all of his dinner and then some. So he is no longer a picky eater, for now.
He seemed happy just to lay down in the same room with us.
But Ekko did wag his tail when I showed him his squeaky toy.


NHD said...

I'm so happy that he's home now! But I suppose I'll be happier still when the pain and discomfort in lack of mobility and all of that are behind him. Something to look forward to! That and meeting him!

Unknown said...

I was just thinking about Ekko today, wondering if he had made it home yet. I am so glad that he is home and hope that he continues to improve by the day. I am sure he will do just fine with a loving family doting after him. It still makes me so happy to know that he was found and and back with his family. Lots of love to you Ekko!

Donna said...

So glad that he is home and mending. He is so fortunate to be a part of such a loving and devoted family. I look forward to hearing about his recovery.

Anonymous said...

Ekko knows that there is no place like home!!! I am rejoicing for all of you.....

Anonymous said...

Such a happy ending! It is all downhill from here. Fingers and paws crossed here for a quick recovery!!

Debra & the boys

Anonymous said...

Yay for the happy ending. Re the cone collar, check at Dogma, they have padded collars that do the same thing but are more comfortable for the pup! :) Welcome Home Ekko!