Monday, August 24, 2009

Still Looking for Ekko

Thanks to volunteers that have been out yesterday and today, business-carding the cars at some of the shopping centers, and for checking the shelters.

We also had a volunteer spend some time tracking down at least five different mail carriers in the area to see if they've been perhaps seeing Ekko and not calling. (This is how we got the last sighting we got.) No such luck.

While we know it's possible that Ekko is still circling within the large loop that we discovered when we first had Sam and Salsa out to trail his scent, he may also have migrated out of the area, and he could be doing some other loop now. This is why the Ekko map shows shopping centers well outside of his original loop as those we are targeting to cover with business cards (over and over again). If you can pitch in and help in that effort, by all means speak up!

And hopefully you have other ways to spread the word -- download a flier and put it up at bulletin boards you have access to, email it to friends, post it on your Facebook wall, Twitter it to your followers. (Did I use the correct terminology on that last suggestion???)

Nancy Despeaux

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